Kaltura API

KalturaObjectBase Inherited from KalturaObjectBase
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
relatedObjects map of KalturaListResponse
KalturaFilter Inherited from KalturaFilter
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
orderBy KalturaCategoryUserOrderBy V
advancedSearch KalturaSearchItem V
Inherited from KalturaRelatedFilter
KalturaCategoryUserBaseFilter Inherited from KalturaCategoryUserBaseFilter
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
categoryIdEqual int V
categoryIdIn string V
userIdEqual string V
userIdIn string V
permissionLevelEqual KalturaCategoryUserPermissionLevel V
permissionLevelIn string V
statusEqual KalturaCategoryUserStatus V
statusIn string V
createdAtGreaterThanOrEqual int V
createdAtLessThanOrEqual int V
updatedAtGreaterThanOrEqual int V
updatedAtLessThanOrEqual int V
updateMethodEqual KalturaUpdateMethodType V
updateMethodIn string V
categoryFullIdsStartsWith string V
categoryFullIdsEqual string V
permissionNamesMatchAnd string V
permissionNamesMatchOr string V
permissionNamesNotContains string V
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
categoryDirectMembers bool V Return the list of categoryUser that are not inherited from parent category - only the direct categoryUsers.
freeText string V Free text search on user id or screen name
relatedGroupsByUserId string V Return a list of categoryUser that related to the userId in this field by groups